Israel adds 25 more F-35 aircraft to its arsenal of stealth fighters from the US

Israel will enhance its stock of stealth fighter planes by 50% by purchasing 25 F-35 aircraft from the United States, the Israeli Defense Ministry stated on Sunday.

The F-35 is the most modern fighter plane in existence, and Israel is the only nation in the Middle East to use one. The $3 billion deal, which would bring the number of F-35 aircraft owned by Israel from 50 to 75, is expected to be completed in the next months, according to the ministry.

It said that the agreement would be funded by American military assistance to Israel and that both the engine and plane’s manufacturers, Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney, had committed to working with Israeli firms throughout the manufacturing phase.

According to the release, “the new agreement will ensure the continuation of cooperation between American businesses and Israeli defense industries in the manufacture of aircraft parts.”

At a time when tensions between Israel and Iran are particularly high, Israel is moving to increase its arsenal.

Israel, which sees Iran as its main foe, has vowed to launch a long-range attack on Iranian nuclear facilities and has already employed F-35 fighters to take down Iranian drones.

Israel has been suspected of being behind a number of assaults against Iranian nuclear specialists and facilities over the years. Israel accuses Iran of attempting to create a nuclear bomb, an accusation Iran rejects.

In one of its many recent airstrikes on government-controlled areas of Syria, Israel struck the Syrian city of Homs on Sunday in an effort to weaken Iranian influence in the neighboring country.



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