Joint declaration on strengthening China-Russian relations is signed by Xi and Putin

On Thursday, in honor of the 75th anniversary of the two nations’ diplomatic ties being established, Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin of Russia signed and released a joint statement aimed at strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two nations for a new era.

Putin landed in Beijing for a two-day state visit, and Xi threw up the red carpet for him, CNN said, indicating the two countries’ growing unity in the face of Russia’s continued aggression in Ukraine.

Amidst mounting tensions with the West, the leaders’ tight friendship was highlighted by the lavish greeting outside the Great Hall of the People, which included a military band serenade and multiple gun salute.

According to a statement from China’s Foreign Ministry, Xi said during their talks on Thursday morning that ties between China and Russia had “stood the test of a changing international landscape” and should be “cherished and nourished” by both sides.

“China is ready to work with Russia to stay each other’s good neighbour, a good friend and good partner that trust each other, continue to consolidate the lasting friendship between the two peoples, and jointly pursue respective national development and revitalization and uphold fairness and justice in the world,” Xi stated.

According to CNN, Putin’s first foreign trip since taking office was to Beijing, which fell on the same day that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy decided to postpone all future international commitments due to an unexpected Russian offensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region.

Given this context, the fourth in-person encounter between Putin and Xi became more important, emphasizing the necessity for diplomatic measures to settle the problem and the worldwide concern around the situation in Ukraine.

The visit also took place in the face of growing pressure on China to make sure that its close economic connections to Russia do not unintentionally encourage Moscow’s military endeavors.

The significant shipments of essential items for Russia’s defense sector from China to that country have drawn criticism. China has disputed US accusations that it significantly supports Russia’s defense complex, highlighting the significance of regular commercial ties between the two nations, while the US has accused Beijing of doing so.

It was anticipated that Xi and Putin would discuss a wide variety of subjects in Beijing, including bilateral economic, security, and energy cooperation, as well as the current wars in Gaza and Ukraine. Putin commended China and Russia for their unprecedented degree of strategic engagement, stressing that both countries want to improve coordination of foreign policy and increase cooperation in a number of areas, such as industry, technology, and energy.

The two presidents have consistently preserved a close personal relationship while actively pursuing the development of commerce, security, and diplomatic relations between their nations. A major turning point in their relationship was reached when Xi visited Moscow in 2023, highlighting the value of high-level involvement in furthering shared objectives. According to CNN, the leaders see one another as crucial allies in their fight against what they see as Western hegemony in international affairs.

Putin was supposed to visit trade and cooperation forums in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province in northern China, as part of his visit to the country.

Increased connectivity has led to greater economic and cultural relations between China and Russia, two neighbors who have traditionally been troubled by border disputes.

Putin’s agenda also included a stop at the Harbin Institute of Technology, a college that the US government has sanctioned due to its suspected participation in providing supplies to China’s military. According to CNN, this interaction highlighted how crucial collaboration in science and education is to improving bilateral ties between China and Russia.

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