Lahaina will be rebuilt for its residents, according to Hawaii’s governor

Josh Green, the governor of Hawaii, has assured residents of Lahaina that locals rather than real estate developers would have priority throughout the lengthy process of restoring Maui’s historic Lahaina neighborhood.

Josh Green said in a video statement that he believes Lahaina is absolutely the property of the island’s residents and that the government is dedicated to redeveloping the island for them.

Along with the governor, First Lady Jaime Kanani Green displayed emotional signals as she outlined the extent of the region’s suffering. The First Lady also mentioned how rich and well-known Lahaina’s culture is all over the world. However, one of the worst wildfires has completely devastated Lahaina’s beauty and culture in only one day.

After the whole Lahaina community joined together to ask the state government to incorporate locals in the island’s reconstruction, the assurance’s release came hours later.

Community members urged the government to put the needs of the people first when reconstructing places rather than what prospective developers may want.

People on the island of Maui have suffered greatly as a result of the wildfire. 111 people have died so far, but many more are stuck and are being forced to seek out emergency shelters. Even after the fire has been put out, all that is left for the inhabitants are ashes and ruins. The wildfire has burned over 2,000 structures, including several historical landmarks, schools, and campuses.

The hunt for the more than 1,000 citizens who remain missing is now under progress. Locals are also concerned that foreigners may use the circumstance to acquire land.

Additionally, the governor has asked the attorney general to assess the situation and conduct a “comprehensive review” of the catastrophe.

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