‘LGBT movement’ is listed as an extreme and terrorist group in Russia

NEW DELHI: According to official media, Russia has included the “LGBT movement” among extreme and terrorist groups.

This verdict is consistent with the Russian Supreme Court’s earlier decision to classify LGBT activists as radicals.
Members of the LGBT and transgender communities have expressed concern about possible arrests and legal action.

The list, maintained by Rosfinmonitoring, consists of more than 14,000 people and groups that have been labelled as terrorists or extremists. These groups and individuals include friends of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, as well as groups like Al Qaeda and the US social networking company Meta.
The official news agency RIA reports that the latest addendum makes special reference to the “international LGBT social movement and its structural units.” President Vladimir Putin has led Russia to enforce more stringent laws on gender identity and sexual orientation expression during the last ten years, which is indicative of a move away from perceived Western decadence and towards what is viewed as traditional family values.
Among the safeguards put in place are laws that outlaw advocating for “non-traditional” sexual interactions and that prohibit gender changes via medicine or the law.

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