Political Kerala is excited to see Krzysztof Zanussi, a Polish director

In 1998, Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi faced opposition from Leftist philosopher P Govinda Pillai in response to the latter’s accusations against Communists. After twenty years away, he has returned to the state, and political Kerala is now eager to hear whether his previously stated position has changed.

Not only are movie lovers eagerly anticipating December 13, the final day of the 28th International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK), but the political spectrum in the state is as well. Zanussi, who is renowned for opposing communist doctrine, is expected to attend the IFFK in order to get the Lifetime Achievement Award. He’s scheduled to participate in a Q&A session at the event on Thursday. Senior politicians, such as CMP general secretary C P John and Leader of the Opposition V D Satheesan, are also anticipated to attend an unofficial meeting with the renowned director this time around.

During his visit to IFFK 25 years ago, there was a standoff between Zanussi and P Govinda Pillai during the festival. During the event, Zanussi expressed his opinion that Communism is nonexistent worldwide. He went so far as to compare Communist ideas to Hitler’s core values. The Polish director even went so far as to claim that the death toll from Communist governments exceeded that of Hitler.

Even though the State Chalachithra Academy received criticism for its Zanussi award, it did not let that stop it from making the same decision. In a recent interview with TNIE, Academy Chairman Ranjith even made a suggestion to invite prominent figures to engage with the film, such as V D Satheesan and C P John. “The last time Zanussi visited IFFK, it was during the Nayanar government’s tenure, and he had criticized the Left. The same party is in charge today. Ranjith said, “Let’s see whether he continues to have the same political viewpoint.

In an interview with TNIE, Satheesan promised to do all in his power to make it to the meeting with Zanussi. Without a doubt, I’d want to meet him. Politics is not the only issue. He’s a very well-known director. I am looking forward to seeing and talking with him,” Satheesan said.

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