President Biden refers to Hamas’ attack as “unadulterated evil” and confirms the deaths of 14 American citizens in the Israel-Palestine conflict

US President Joe Biden, who strongly despises Hamas for carrying out a spate of deadly assaults against Israel, described the horrific occurrence on Tuesday as “unadulterated evil unleashed on the world” while confirming that at least 14 Americans died in the incident.

The Gaza-based terrorist group Hamas conducted a series of strikes that resulted in the worst escalation of the war in decades, killing hundreds of people.

Over 800 people have been killed in a series of airstrikes by Israel in retaliation.

What was said by President Biden?
US President Joe Biden condemned the horrific crime that murdered adults and children and emphasized that it was a manifestation of Hamas’ avowed goal to destroy the state of Israel and kill Jews.

“There are times in life when pure, unadulterated evil is released on this globe, and I mean this in the most literal sense. This past weekend, the Israeli people experienced one such occasion. In his speech to the country from the White House, Biden referred to the bleeding hands of Hamas, a terrorist organization whose avowed goal is to murder Jews.

It is well known that the US and Israel have cordial ties on a bilateral basis, and the US president has already assured Israel of his administration’s “rock solid and unwavering” support. In order to back Israel and take appropriate measures against the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, the United States has undertaken a significant international diplomatic campaign.

According to Biden, the US has also strengthened its military presence in the area.

“This was a blatantly horrible deed. In Israel, more than 1,000 people were massacred—not just dead, but murdered. At least 14 of them were Americans who were slain. Parents who attempted to shield their children with their bodies were slaughtered. Reports of newborns being slaughtered are horrifying. Whole families were killed. “Young people were murdered while taking part in a peace music festival,” he stated.

Biden said that Hamas’ actions in Israel amounted to terrorism and were comparable to the “worst rampages of ISIS.”

“It’s disgusting. The bloodthirstiness and savagery of Hamas remind one of ISIS’s greatest atrocities. Terrorism, that is. But regrettably for Jews, it’s nothing new,” he remarked.

“This act has rekindled bitter memories and the wounds from centuries of antisemitism and the extermination of the Jewish people. Therefore, we must be very explicit at this time. We support Israel. We support Israel. And we’ll see to it that Israel has all it has to look after its population, defend itself, and react to this aggression. Terrorism is not justified in any way. There is no justification, the US president said.

The right to dignity and self-determination of the Palestinian people is not supported by Hamas, according to Biden’s speech. He said that it uses Palestinian civilians as human shields and that its proclaimed goals are the destruction of the state of Israel and the death of Jews.

“Hamas doesn’t care who pays the price; all it promises is fear and carnage. It is tragic when innocent lives are lost. Israel has the right to retaliate, just like every other country in the world,” Biden stated.

Additionally, Biden said that he had a third conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu since the Hamas incident. He stated, “I told him if the United States went through what Israel is going through, our reaction would be quick, clear-cut, and overpowering.

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