Rishi Sunak of the UK Slams ‘Horrific’ Attacks on Visit to Israel

Rishi Sunak, the prime minister of Britain, called the terrorist attack on Israel on Thursday a “unspeakable horrific act of terrorism” and said he was the latest western leader to go to Israel in support. On his way to discussions with President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sunak remarked, “I want you to know that the United Kingdom and I stand with you.

Sunak referred to Israel as “a nation in grief” and offered his support “against the evil that is terrorism” on X, the previous Twitter. He followed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz earlier this week and US Vice President Joe Biden, who was in Israel on Wednesday. There should be more.

Before departing, Sunak said that he would be focusing on attempts to prevent a larger confrontation in the area after the October 7 Hamas strikes, which resulted in over 1,400 deaths in Israel. Additionally, he is anticipated to argue for improved access to humanitarian supplies in Gaza, where the Hamas-run health ministry estimates that 3,500 Palestinians have perished in Israeli airstrikes since the onslaught.

Britain has upped its help to the Palestinians. Israel has said that it would let Egyptian supplies of food, water, and medication to enter the besieged zone. James Cleverly, the British Foreign Secretary, will also go to Egypt, Turkey, and Qatar “in the coming days,” the government has said.

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