The Trump team issues a doctor’s letter stating that he is in “excellent” health

A doctor’s statement, provided by the Trump campaign, states that the former US President is in “excellent” health and that his cognitive examinations “were exceptional.” This comes after a number of linguistic gaffes that have highlighted the former US President’s advanced age as he runs for reelection.

Bruce Aronwald, who identifies himself as “Trump’s personal physician since 2021,” wrote the memo that was made public on Monday, according to CNN.

According to Aronwald, Trump “reduced his weight” and his “cardiovascular studies are all normal and cancer screening tests” were negative. The former president had his most recent “comprehensive examination” on September 13.

However, the letter omits details on the kinds of tests that Trump underwent and their outcomes.

Furthermore, it omits vital signs like blood pressure, cholesterol, and height and weight that Trump’s doctors have previously disclosed.

Harold Bornstein sent a similar letter that Trump’s team publicized in 2015, praising “his physical strength and stamina are extraordinary.”

Later on, however, Bornstein claimed that Trump had dictated the letter to him.

The letter was sent on Monday, the day after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican contender for the presidency in 2024, said that both Trump and incumbent Joe Biden were too old to seek reelection.

The 45-year-old DeSantis said that the president is “not a job for somebody that is pushing 80” in an interview with CNN on Sunday.

That’s something that Joe Biden has shown, in my opinion. Father Time has never lost. None of it applies to Donald Trump, the Republican said.

At the age of 78, Biden—who turned 81 on Monday—became the nation’s oldest President when he took office in January 2021.

Meanwhile, at 71 years old, Trump entered office as the nation’s first president in history without having held a position of public office or served in the military.

Age has emerged as a key theme in the 2024 presidential race, with Trump making fun of Biden’s age and raising concerns about his suitability for the position.

However, the former President has also made a good number of blunders and utterances in public.

In the meanwhile, DeSantis’s team unveiled a “accident tracker” for Trump gaffes last month, highlighting what look to be linguistic errors from the previous president, such when he seemed to mix up Biden with his predecessor, Barack Obama.


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