US police kill the driver who struck the Chinese Consulate

A motorist who’s automobile collided with the Chinese embassy in San Francisco on Monday was fatally shot by US police.

Unconfirmed video posted to social media showed a car within the structure with police aiming their guns at the driver’s door as others ran down stairs and into the open.

The suspect, according to a consular spokesperson, “violently” drove “into our consulate’s administration hall, posing a serious threat to the lives of staff and people on-site and causing serious damage.”

According to Sergeant Kathryn Winters of the San Francisco Police Department, police arrived after being informed that a car had struck the visa office.

According to Winters, “Officers entered, made contact with the suspect, and an officer-involved shooting took place.”

The suspect was given life-saving efforts by police, paramedics, and medical personnel, but was subsequently declared dead at the hospital, according to Winters, who added that the police were unable to provide any information regarding the suspect’s identification.

A guy who seemed to be unconscious and was covered in blood was being removed from the site, according to the local ABC7 News program.

The San Francisco Police Department is presently cooperating with US State Department authorities on a “open and active investigation,” according to Winters.

The organization “strongly condemns this violent attack and reserves the right to pursue accountability for the incident,” the consulate’s spokesperson said.

“The Consulate has made solemn representations to the American side, requesting a prompt investigation into the truth and a serious punishment in accordance with the law.”

Many of the ethnic Chinese people who live in San Francisco are from Taiwan, a self-governing island that Beijing regards as a renegade province and has threatened to one day conquer.

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