When Biden trips twice entering Air Force One, online users comment, “This does not look good.”

Washington: US President Joe Biden, who has made headlines for mispronouncing foreign leaders’ names amid worries about his failing memory, almost fell twice as he boarded Air Force One, creating another uncomfortable moment. Conservatives noted that the president is “falling apart in real-time” in response to the president’s many social media taunts, according to Fox News.

After giving a salute to US military members, Biden approached the shorter, easier stairs to enter the aircraft in a video that quickly went viral on social media. However, he slipped and saved himself by holding onto the railing. The next step he took was instantly awkward, and he almost fell. The film did little to allay worries about Biden’s mental acuity, which have been widely expressed.

Over the years, Biden has almost fallen down those stairs many times. As a result, his crew decided to use lower stairs last year so that he could enter the aircraft more easily. He was seen taking a startling tumble during the US Air Force 2023 graduation ceremony last year.

When Biden had his awkward moment, social media sites like X (previously Twitter) were flooded with outraged responses from netizens. “He will soon have to begin using the conveyor belt to enter the luggage area. One user said, “Just lay down, and zoooop, he’s in,” while another advocated for him to be brought out on a stretcher.

One user remarked, “I literally just ruptured my entire Achilles Tendon and can still walk up stairs better than this man,” while another said, “They’ll probably roll out a body double in a month or two.” if they’ve not before.” “This looks bad,” one user commented on X, while another added, “This is as embarrassing as it is sad.”

“A Secret Service agent is placed at the bottom of the stairs whenever Biden boards or disembarks to prevent this very scenario from happening,” said RNC Research, which is run by the Republican National Committee. Biden is not feeling good.

worries about Biden’s memory and age
Many have said that Biden is unfit to serve another term in office since he will be 82 weeks old after this year’s presidential elections. In a 388-page counsel report made public last week, Biden was called a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” and it was said that during his time as vice president, he improperly handled sensitive materials pertaining to US foreign policy in Afghanistan. Biden has sharply retaliated to the portrayal, calling his recollection “fine”.

The Democratic president was promptly referred to as “certainly unfit for the Oval Office” by House Republicans. The President would not be charged, according to the damaging report by US Special Counsel Robert Hur, which was the result of a year-long investigation into Biden’s improper handling of classified documents. Part of Biden’s defense strategy may be to argue that “Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Politicians have even urged Vice President Kamala Harris to remove Biden from office by using the 25th Amendment. After a string of linguistic blunders throughout his term in the White House, including sometimes mispronouncing the names of international leaders, the 81-year-old president has drawn criticism. According to most surveys, the majority of Americans think the president is too elderly to seek reelection. According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos survey, 78% of participants—including 71% of Democrats—believe Biden is too elderly to hold public office.

After the special counsel’s report was made public, Biden engaged in an intense, tearful, late-night back-and-forth with reporters over his recollection, stating that it was “fine.” He seemed to be confusing the presidents of Egypt and Mexico with his statements. According to the White House, Biden made the decision to speak in public.

The White House counsel’s office spokesman Ian Sams, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other officials criticized the report the next day, claiming it was biased and politically motivated. Biden would be 86 years old when he seeks a second term, and some members of the president’s party have residual concerns about his seeking one. The story could have made those concerns worse.

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