With a video showing President Joe Biden strapped up in a pickup truck, Donald Trump incites indignation

According to CNN, former President Donald Trump stirred some controversy on Friday when he posted a video that included a disturbing picture of President Joe Biden bound up in the back of a pickup truck.

When Trump attended the wake of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller, who was tragically murdered during a traffic check that week, he claimed that the film was taken on Long Island. Two vehicles with Trump-supporting flags and stickers were seen in the film, with Biden’s picture prominently placed on the back of the second vehicle.

Trump’s campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, responded to the controversy by defending the photograph, saying, “That picture was on the back of a pickup truck that was traveling down the highway.” Not only have Democrats and insane lunatics advocated for heinous acts of murder against President Trump and his family, but they are also using the legal system as a weapon against him.

“This image from Donald Trump is the type of crap you post when you’re calling for a ‘bloodbath’ or when you tell the proud boys to’stand back and stand by,'” said Michael Tyler, the campaign spokesperson for Joe Biden, in an interview with CNN. People need to start taking Trump seriously since he often calls for political violence. Just ask the Capitol Police officers who were assaulted on January 6 while defending our democracy.

Regarding protective intelligence, the US Secret Service declined to confirm or provide a statement when contacted for comment.

This most recent video continues Trump’s trend of using ominous and violent images in his campaign advertising, which is consistent with his penchant for divisive speech and seems to support his desire to become president.

Trump delivered a severe warning earlier this month, claiming that the US car sector and the country as a whole would face a “bloodbath” if he lost the 2024 election. He said that only his presidency could protect US auto production, thus, he suggested a “100% tariff” on vehicles made elsewhere.

Trump’s history of using divisive words is apparent in his statements. He sparked controversy in December when he said that immigrants were “poisoning the blood” of the US, mirroring the criticism of Biden as a “threat to democracy” made by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In addition, Trump has said he admires foreign dictators that use anti-democratic strategies to hold onto power. He called his political adversaries “vermin” at a campaign speech in New Hampshire in November. Biden, among others, denounced the phrase and compared it to “language you heard in Nazi Germany.” The actual danger, according to Trump, does not come from the extreme right. He said to the gathering, “We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.” The extreme left poses the true danger, and it is becoming more so every day.

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