4 Simple Homemade Methods for Cleaning Bathroom Tiles

Undoubtedly the most essential and difficult duty for anybody is cleaning the bathroom. The bathroom tiles collect dirt from repeated usage and neglect, making them difficult to clean. Let’s look at some cleaning techniques for getting rid of the tough grime on tiles. The kitchen is a convenient place to find the supplies needed for these techniques.


The tiles in the bathroom may be cleaned with vinegar. Vinegar may be used to make a DIY cleaner. White vinegar and water should be combined equally. Take 5 teaspoons of vinegar and 5 tablespoons of water, for instance. To completely clean the tiles, use this combination. Let the tiles dry after cleaning them, or wipe them. The tiles will have a nice gloss as a result.

citrus juice

bathroom tile cleaning with lemon juice. Lemon is a particularly effective cleanser since it has such strong acidic characteristics. You need enough lemon juice to fill a spray bottle in order to utilize it. Either spray it straight on the tiles or apply it on a sponge and scrub with it.

Baking soda

Additionally, baking soda may be used as a natural cleanser. Take a half-spoon of baking soda and combine it with one teaspoon of liquid dish soap and hydrogen peroxide to produce soda cleanser. Fill a spray bottle with this liquid combination, apply it to the tiles, and let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping them off with a damp cloth or sponge. Lemon juice and baking soda may be used to create another effective tile cleaner.


The bathroom tiles may also be cleaned with bleach. Lumid water and bleach powder should be combined. Depending on how much you need to clean the bathroom, you may adjust the ratio of the two items. Put a spray bottle with the liquid inside. Give the tiles five minutes to absorb the solution after spraying it on. The tiles should next be scrubbed and thoroughly wet. To increase the effectiveness of the combination, detergent may be added.


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