6 Simple Ways To Maintain White Towels’ Softness

If you use white towels often over a lengthy period of time, it may be challenging to maintain them stain- and odor-free. Due to their frequent usage, they grow filthy, and even after washing, their sheen and softness are lost.

The white towels at home are often not as spotless as those at hotels. Let’s look at some ways to keep towels soft, clean, and fresh. So, to assist you solve the issues you face every day, here are some cleaning suggestions.

1. Set the water temperature appropriately. When washing white towels, you must ensure that the water temperature is between 40 and 140 degrees. To keep towels soft and fresh for a longer period of time, wash them at a temperature of around 40 degrees. However, a wash at 60 degrees will get rid of more bacteria and germs.

It is advised against using fabric cleanser after washing white towels since it contains oils and other substances that result in a waxy buildup, reducing absorbency and softness. White towels may also be put in boiling water for a time on their own for thorough cleaning.

2. Use white vinegar – White vinegar may be used in place of fabric cleaning. Washing machine: Add 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar. Your white towels will be cleaned using this method instead of harsh chemicals like those used in many professional fabric cleaners.

3. Use dry balls – Dry balls are really simple to use when machine-washing and may help you dry your clothing more quickly, get rid of static cling, and soften your clothes.

4. Towel quality: Ensure that the towel is made of bamboo, cotton, or microfibre. To make sure the towel can swiftly dry any surface, check its density and absorbency as well. Additionally, choose towels that are mild on the skin and wonderfully soft to the touch.

5. Keep them clean: If you wait too long to clean white towels after they feel unclean or develop stains, they may become dull. Towels should generally be cleaned (or changed) at least once each week. This keeps bacteria and germs from growing on your towel and is cleaner.

6. Lemon juice and salt- If your white towel has even a faint rust stain, wash it in a solution of lemon juice and salt. Due to the chemical makeup of each, salt and lemon juice may efficiently remove rust stains.




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