7 Crucial Pointers For Happy, Healthy Cats

Around the globe, cats are treasured pets in millions of homes. Cats are a great option for busy individuals since they need little care. All of us adore our feline friends. However, while our canine companions get more attention most of the time, there is less information on how to care for our feline friends.

With the assistance of Roshen Varghese, National Category Manager, Drools Pet Food Private Limited, we have put up a list of straightforward recommendations that will safeguard the health of your four-legged pets.

Thirst & Diet

Cats have unique nutritional requirements. They should eat largely animal-based protein, along with some fat and carbs, as they are obligate carnivores. Prioritize high-quality brands with meat as the primary component when choosing cat food. From the time they are kittens, start introducing them to high-quality package food to ensure they get the vital nutrients they need for good health. To improve the general nutrition and health of your cat, find the proper ratio of the two kinds of food. A well-rounded diet may be achieved by giving your cat a combination of premium dry and wet food. Wet food helps cats stay hydrated because it contains more moisture, which is important since cats often lack a strong thirst drive. Dry kibble might be good for your teeth and your chewing muscles. Overfeeding may result in weight gain and other health problems, which is another issue that cats are becoming more and more obese with. Cats often don’t drink enough water, which might cause dehydration, depending on the climate and their level of activity. Places with easy access to clean, fresh water should be provided. Use a cat water fountain to grab their attention and promote hydration.

Environment of Cats
Cats require mental and physical stimulation since they are naturally inquisitive and lively animals. Some cats can need more room than others, while others could like a calmer setting. It’s crucial to try out various toys, scratchers, etc. to keep them engaged and occupied.
daily brushing
Regular grooming keeps your cat’s coat healthy. Brushing your cat’s fur helps them avoid mats and tangles and reduces the chance that they may get hairballs in their digestive track. When giving your cat a spa or bath, use the appropriate shampoos, etc.
Safe Area
Your litter box should be kept in a secure, spotless place. Cats may be finicky when choosing their litter. Some people like certain materials or textures. To assist your cat acclimate, if you’re switching litters, do it gradually by combining the new and old litter. It is crucial to maintain the litter box on a regular basis. Replace the litter as directed by the manufacturer and scoop out waste each day. Select a litter that is soft on your cat’s paws and doesn’t aggravate any health conditions if it suffers from allergies or other sensitivities.
Cat Crazy or Bonkers on Cats
Having a home full of cats may seem like a dream come true, but the reality may be more complicated. Make careful to keep the number of cats to a minimum, preferably no more than 2, since each cat has individual behavioral habits and preferences. The task of caring for each of them equally might get tiresome for the pet parent.
medical visit, cat-friendly vaccines, and flea and tick prevention techniques
Although cats are fantastic companions, they need the right care to be healthy. Regular veterinary checkups are essential for preventative treatment and early identification of any health problems. A vaccine regimen will be developed by your vet depending on the age, health, and risk factors of your cat. For cats, vaccinations are essential in avoiding severe and sometimes fatal infections. Rabies, feline distemper, and panleukopenia: calicivirus are a few of the most crucial immunizations for cats.

Your cat may experience pain and get illnesses from fleas and ticks. Among the effective preventative methods are:

Oral or topical treatments are available to stop and eliminate infestations. Typically, they need to be given monthly.
Collars: Chemicals that repel and destroy parasites are released by flea and tick collars.
Environmental Control: To reduce the number of fleas and ticks in your house and your cat’s resting places, regularly clean them.

Spaying and neutering cats are surgical operations done to stop reproduction, manage the cat population, and lower euthanasia rates brought on by overpopulation. They do, however, have advantages beyond population control. Females that have been spayed are less likely to go through difficult heat cycles, which is good for both the cat and the owner. Male neutering may reduce aggressive and territorial tendencies in males, fostering peace in the family. Ask your veterinarian when is the best time to do these treatments; normally, it’s advised to wait until the animal is approximately 6 months old, before sexual maturity.


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