A Straightforward Recipe for Making Homemade Butter Coffee

In the realm of health and nutrition, butter coffee is a novel and becoming more and more popular. This mixture, which combines the smoothness of butter with the richness of coffee, has a mouthwatering flavour combination and may even be healthy.

First of all,

Bulletproof coffee, also known as butter coffee, has become more popular in recent years due to its rich, creamy texture and possible health advantages. How to Prepare Butter Coffee at Home: A Basic RecipeThis drink, which is made with coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil, is praised for its capacity to increase vitality, foster mental clarity, and sate hunger. This is a basic recipe for homemade butter coffee that you may have anytime of the day.


One cup of freshly made coffee

1 tablespoon unsalted butter from grass-fed cows

One tablespoon of coconut or MCT oil

First, make a pot of strong coffee.

Step 2: Put the hot coffee, 1 tablespoon unsalted butter from grass-fed cows, and 1 tablespoon MCT or coconut oil in a blender.

Step 3: Blend for 20 to 30 seconds on high speed, or until foamy.

Step 4: Transfer into a cup and savour your rich, creamy butter coffee!

Optional Extras:

Sweetener: To taste, you may add stevia, honey, or maple syrup as a natural sweetener.

Flavourings: To improve the taste of your butter coffee, mix in a little pinch of cocoa powder, vanilla essence, or cinnamon.

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