Astrology Tells You Not to Keep These 6 Items Near Your Bed to Avoid Bad Luck

The age-old discipline of Astrology, which looks at how the planets impact our lives, sheds light on the choices we make every day, such as what to keep by our beds. Even if astrology isn’t your thing, you may still utilize the information it provides to create a calm sleeping environment. Let’s look at the top 6 items that one should never have next to their bed to ward off bad luck.

Six Items Never to Keep Next to the Bed

1. Mirrors: Mirrors in bedrooms have the ability to reflect both good and bad energy. Astrology believes that mirrors contain bad energy, which may lead to nightmares and disturbed sleep. If you must have a mirror, make sure it is covered at night or faces away from the bed so as not to interfere with the energy flow.

2. Water Feature: Placing water features like fountains or aquariums in strategic locations may be soothing. Placing elemental energies next to your bed might upset their balance, perhaps disrupting your sleep. Any water features you may have should be moved into the living room or another suitable area to maintain the energy balance of your bedroom.

3. Clutter: Astrologers emphasize how crucial it is to have a clutter-free bedroom. Good energy may be impeded by excessive clutter, which can lead to restlessness and disturbed sleep. Keep your room neat and free of unnecessary items to promote a restful night’s sleep.

4. Plants – Although they are well known to enhance the aesthetics of your space and purify the air, certain indoor plants are not suitable for beds. Astrologically speaking, spiky or prickly plants—like cactus—can disrupt the flow of energy in your space, leading to an imbalance in the components of your home. Select plants that have soft, rounded leaves to contribute to a calming atmosphere.

5. Astrology advises against using electronic devices like as laptops, tablets, or cellphones in close proximity to your bed. These devices emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that have the capacity to upset the energy balance in your body. The negative energies from these gadgets may disrupt your sleep patterns, leaving you tired and restless.

6. Broken things – According to astrology, keeping broken or damaged things close to your bed symbolizes unrealized desires and trapped energy. You could feel anxious about these things, find it harder to fall asleep, and wake up feeling rested. Eliminate or adjust such items to provide a more tranquil sleeping environment.

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