Do You Try To Please Everyone? Try Using These 5 Strategies to Say No

These two letters, N.O., are probably the toughest for you to utter if you’re a people-pleaser. Occasionally, it stems from a need for validation or a desire to keep someone from being let down. If you’re finding this difficult, you’re not alone. Numerous well-known celebrities have admitted to being people-pleasers.

In her most recent Renaissance documentary, Beyoncé admitted to being a people-pleaser. In addition, some celebrities—including Olivia Rodrigo, Will Smith, Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift, and others—have said that they have occasionally been people-pleasers. Whatever the cause, being able to say no is essential to your own health and wellbeing.

But how is that accomplished?

First of all, answer directly rather than hesitantly offering maybes and maybe-nots. It is important to interpret statements like “maybe later” and “some other time” seriously. The other person could ask you the same question later if you provide a disorganized response.

Refusing something doesn’t have to be mean. You may start by giving a quick explanation until you figure out how to convey it politely. Recall that you are not required to provide a comprehensive explanation that covers every detail. Be polite and direct instead than inventing a lengthy, complicated rationale for saying no.

Refusing to accept anything right away is one of the simplest and most intelligent ways to say no. If you’re asked anything, you could have gotten into the habit of merely saying yes. Try to wait a moment or two between a request and your answer to avoid coming across as impolite.

Start with lower-stakes games. Say no, for instance, if you don’t want more cheese on your pizza. In this case, giving in would satisfy the other party and raise your expenses.
It’s not the same as a family member or colleague asking for one more favor, however.

Saying no in little situations might lead to saying no in bigger ones if you find it tough to say no to people or things. You’ll probably find it easier to say no to your boss if their workload becomes too much for you if you realize that it’s alright to say no to cooking for a partner, friend, or family member and you see how they manage just fine doing it alone.

Not because being prosperous or loyal to yourself entails being heartless or indifferent to other people. Saying yes to everything and everyone, however, leaves little time for the things in life that are really important, such as friends, family, interests, employment, and pleasure.

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