Five Simple Home Remedies For Heartburn And Acidity

Did you know that all of these easy home remedies may provide you fast, effective relief from acid reflux and heartburn? such as drinking ginger tea or chewing on raw ginger, may ease pain and soothe the digestive tract. Baking soda acts as a natural antacid and neutralizes stomach acid when mixed with water

Aloe vera juice relaxes the esophagus and helps reduce discomfort because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, making certain lifestyle changes over time—such as avoiding hot and acidic foods, sleeping with your head up, and maintaining a healthy weight—can significantly reduce symptoms.

Reducing pain and soothing the digestive tract may be achieved by drinking ginger tea or chewing on raw ginger. (Photo courtesy of Canva)

Thus, we’ve put together a list of remedies for acid reflux and heartburn below.

According to the NIH, licorice root, often referred to as mulethi, is an herbal remedy that lessens gastrointestinal irritation by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins and lipoxygenase, which may result in acid reflux.

Acid reflux may be caused by gastrointestinal tract irritation, which aloe vera may both relieve and reduce. According to NIH, you may consume half a cup of aloe vera juice twice a day, 30 minutes before meals, until you feel better.

According to NIH, ginger is widely used to treat digestive issues such as bloating, dyspepsia, and gastritis as well as to speed up the emptying of the stomach. It is also well-known for its carminative and antacid properties.

According to the NIH, chamomile is a traditional remedy for gastrointestinal issues including flatulence, ulcers, and inflammation because it relaxes the stomach and digestive tract.

Because aloe vera juice relaxes the esophagus and has anti-inflammatory properties, it may help reduce discomfort. (Photo courtesy of Canva)

According to NIH, caraway seeds are historically used to treat indigestion by lowering acid reflux and limiting the production of excess stomach acid since they contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

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