Halloween 2023: On This Spooky Night, Answer These 5 Greatest Riddles and Brain Teasers in Less Than 5 Seconds

Happy Halloween to all of you! The most exciting night of the year is almost here, and the excitement is overwhelming! People are busy with all the Halloween-related activities, from making their own costumes to searching for the ideal ones. We then considered what we might do to help you, beyond from wishing you a happy birthday, and one of the greatest suggestions came to us. Puzzles! Yes, let’s solve the mystery of the celebration for you this Halloween. Why not check out these humorous puzzles and riddles that we found? They could make you laugh.

One of the strangest holidays is Halloween, also referred to as Hallowe’en. On October 31, the eve of All Saints’ Day, a Western Christian feast, it is observed in a number of nations. The celebration is held in remembrance of the deceased. Aside from that, it’s observed with a variety of eerie decorations, the most of which include pumpkins. A lot of people participate in the well-known “Trick-or-treat” tradition, dressing up or dressing up as their favorite characters. They also walk door to door collecting candy.

So, before you enjoy the spookiest night of the year, here are some of the greatest Halloween jokes and riddles! These are five really funny Halloween puzzles. The “goodhousekeeping” was the one who put together the puzzles.

Two girls ate dinner together.
They both ordered iced tea.
One girl drank them very fast and had finished five in the time it took the other to drink just one.
The girl who drank one died while the other survived.
All of the drinks were poisoned. How is that possible?

The poison was in the ice.

I’m tall when I’m young, I’m short when I’m old, and once a year, I make heavy pumpkins light. What am I?

A candle

Look in my face, I am somebody. Look in my back, I am nobody. What am I?

A mirror

Why are there fences around cemeteries?

Because people are dying to get in

Often buried with fabulous wealth
I’m often called wrapped up in myself.
What am I?

A mummy

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