How To Prepare Gulab Jamun Using Only a Few Ingredients at Home

Fried dough balls are the main ingredient of the popular Indian dessert known as gulab jamun. Gulab jamun is traditionally made using a lengthy list of ingredients and a difficult process. To help you quickly and easily prepare gulab jamun at home, we have included a basic recipe that calls for only two ingredients.

Ingredients that are necessary:


Five tablespoons of milk

1/3 cup of milk powder

One cup of sugar

Three pieces of cardamom

One spoonful of lemon juice

One sprinkle of baking powder

Oil: as needed

One cup of water


Place a pan (kadhai) over medium heat and pour in the sugar.

Stir in the cardamom and water, then bring to a boil.

Add a teaspoon of lemon juice after around 7 minutes and mix well for a while. Switch off the burner and set aside the mixture.

Now, take off all four sides of the bread and tear it into pieces.

Break apart the white section of the bread.

To make bread crumbs, place the pieces of bread in a jar fitted with a mixer.

Mix well after adding the baking powder and milk powder to the bread crumbs.

Knead the ingredients well after adding the milk gradually.

As soon as the bread dough is done and soft, roll it into the little pieces needed for gulab jamun.

Heat the pan (kadhai) by placing it on the fire and adding oil.

After the oil is heated to a medium temperature, begin frying the rolled bread balls until they become brown.

When the bread balls are thoroughly browned, remove them from the pan.

Place them in the previously made cardamom-infused sugar syrup. After closing the cover, let it to soak for two hours.

Serve the gulab jamun to everyone and let them enjoy this special and simple gulab jamun recipe after it has thoroughly soaked up the syrup and become softer.

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