Is It Okay to Consume Fruits When I’m Sick? What Specialists Have to Say

The proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” applies to almost any fruit you can imagine. Fruits are satisfying, light, and nutrient-dense foods that keep you feeling full. Actually, having a strong immune system is an extra advantage of seasonal ones.

However, did you realize that there are issues associated with fruits as well? The question, “Do fruits aggravate cough and cold?” is one such argument that perplexes people worldwide. Can you eat them if you have a cold or cough?” To set the record straight, we shall examine the subject in-depth in this piece. Now let’s go forward.
Fruit-related conversations may be contentious. Some claim that fruits have no proven connection to seasonal diseases, while others think they could make colds and coughs worse. These differing viewpoints can leave us perplexed. Don’t worry, however; we’ll assist you in telling reality from fiction in this section.
As is common knowledge, almost all of the macro and micronutrients that our bodies need to grow and function are found in fruits. However, Ayurveda classifies it as “cold food,” which may be harmful to the vata, pitta, and kapha body types. Expert in Ayurveda BN Sinha comments, saying that fruits—which are often classified as cold foods—may cause recurrent episodes of fever, coughing, and sickness. But generally speaking, this behavior is seen when you eat an excessive quantity of cold food—in this example, fruits.”
However, a number of international studies have shown that fruits such as pineapple, bananas, and the like contain specific elements like protein, antioxidants, and vitamins that help dissolve mucus and reduce inflammation, thereby boosting your defense against colds and seasonal coughs. Rupali Datta, a consultant nutritionist, says, “Having balance is key. You need to be aware of the food you are consuming when you are eating it, and how much of it.”

Picture Source: PexelsIs It Safe to Eat Fruits While Cold and Coughing? To put it simply, you may consume fruits when you have a cold or cough as long as you know what fruits to eat and when. For example, vitamin C, which is abundant in oranges, lemons, and amla, helps minimize oxidative stress and increase immunity against seasonal health concerns. However, this may not apply to those who have persistent acidity. In this instance, eating citrus fruits could merely make the body more inflammatory.
The same is true for those who have diabetes. Fruits naturally contain sugar, but consuming too much of them may cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate and perhaps weaken the body’s immune system. According to nutritionist Simrun Chopra, the best course of action is to visit a specialist and determine your body type based on your age, gender, and health status before making any dietary adjustments.

Is It Okay to Eat Fruit at Night? Is Eating Fruit for Dinner Allowed? At night, our bodies work more slowly, which makes us more vulnerable to viral infections. For this reason, homegrown elders often advise against having fruits during supper. However, the reality is very different. Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, a specialist in Ayurveda, clarifies, “Eating fruits at night is not harmful in any way. To enjoy the deliciousness guilt-free, one should consume it in moderation.
Now that you are aware of your fruit-eating preferences, we advise that you adjust your diet in order to enjoy all meals in moderation.

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