Mohini Ekadashi 2024: All the information you need to know about the date, customs, importance, shubh muhurat, and parana timings

Mohini Ekadashi 2024: This is one of the most fortunate days of the year. The followers of Lord Vishnu celebrate Mohini Ekadashi with great fanfare and splendor. On this day, people fast and do a very serious and passionate puja for Lord Vishnu, not only in this nation but all throughout the globe. On this day, people think that worshiping Lor Vishnu and maintaining a fast would enable them to ask the Lord for benefits. Here are some things that we should remember as we prepare to commemorate this year’s special day.

Date and Shubh Muhurat: The eleventh day of Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaishakha is considered Mohini Ekadashi. This year’s Mohini Ekadashi is scheduled for May 19, according to Drik Panchang. On May 18, Ekadashi Tithi will start at 11:22 AM and terminate at 1:50 AM on May 19.

Timings for parana: Parana is the name given to the custom of breaking the fast the day after dawn. Drik Panchang reports that on May 20, Parana timings will begin at 5:28 AM and conclude at 8:12 AM.

Rituals: On this day, devotees take a holy bath as soon as they get up. Next, they present flowers, candies, and water to the idols of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, who are placed on an altar. In order to get the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, they also begin a stringent fast. On the next day, devotees break the fast. On this fortunate day, people give to charities.

Significance: The day for spiritual rejuvenation is Mahini Ekadashi. According to popular belief, Lord Vishnu manifested as Mohini, a beautiful nymph. The devotees celebrate Mohini Ekadashi annually in remembrance of it.

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