protecting your heart while controlling your diabetes

Did you realize there’s a connection between diabetes and heart disease? The link between cardiac disease and diabetes is crucial in the context of health. These two illnesses are closely related in ways that have an effect on millions of people, each of which is significant in its own right.

According to study, persons with diabetes have a twofold increased lifetime risk of developing heart disease.

Diabetes-related high blood sugar levels may damage or constrict blood arteries and nerves that control heart function. This might eventually result in a blockage of blood flow to the heart or brain, which would cause a heart attack or stroke. The good news is that managing your diabetes may help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Monitoring blood glucose levels on a regular basis is essential for managing diabetes effectively. Tools like continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) monitors, which don’t need finger pricks to provide you with glucose level insights, may be used for this. These devices feature helpful metrics like Time in Range (TIR), which shows how long a person’s blood glucose levels remain within a certain range during the day.

A person’s chance of getting cardiovascular disease indicators is decreased when they spend more time in range. In fact, a 10% increase in TIR may lower the chance of having abnormally large carotid arteries by 6.4%. In order to prevent cardiovascular disease, it is crucial to increase TIR.

Sunil Bohra, MD, MBBS (General Medicine). Fortis Hospital Bangalore’s F. Cardio., F. Diab., FIAE., MRCPE said, “Many Indians with diabetes are suffering heart-related issues. The fact that younger groups are seeing an increase in these issues is likewise quite alarming.

Diabetes that is not well controlled may cause risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and excessive triglycerides, to increase. To minimize glucose swings, it is crucial that individuals exercise additional caution and adhere to preventive measures. A few crucial actions include adopting a heart-healthy diet, frequent exercise, and regular glucose monitoring devices like CGM.

Here are five easy actions someone with diabetes may do to monitor their health:

Eat heart-healthy foods: Steer clear of trans and saturated fats, which may raise cholesterol levels. For instance, trans fats are often included in partly hydrogenated oils used in fried and processed meals whereas saturated fats are typically found in foods like butter, red meat, and full-fat dairy products.

Your health may be improved by locating a healthy eating strategy that works for you. Choose a food plan that is high in lean proteins, whole grains, vibrant veggies, and healthy fats like nuts and seeds to achieve this.

Regular exercise: It is advised to address variables including obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol levels via exercise in order to minimize the risk of heart disease. You can better control your diabetes if you engage in regular physical exercise. It is advised to limit sitting time and get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking or cycling, for a healthy lifestyle.

Regularly check your blood sugar levels. You may do this by using real-time monitoring, such as that provided by CGM tools like FreeStyle Libre. Aim to maintain your blood glucose levels between 70 and 180 mg/dl for at least 17 hours each day. You can successfully reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease by doing this.

Avoid drinking and smoking: Smoking may harm the lining of your blood vessels, hastening the process by which diabetes causes your arteries to shrink. Your risk of heart disease rises as a result. It’s crucial to stop smoking if you have diabetes and smoke since the chance of heart health impacts grows.

Reduce your alcohol consumption as well since it may interfere with the effects of your diabetic medication and raise your blood sugar levels. Additionally, excessive drinking may raise blood pressure, weaken the heart’s muscles, and increase the chance of developing certain cardiac disorders. Your doctor and you may agree on a drinking restriction.

Management of stress: When you are under stress, your body generates chemicals that raise your blood sugar and may lead to insulin resistance. This may eventually cause a rise in blood pressure and boost your risk of heart disease.

Try relaxing with enjoyable hobbies like dancing, yoga, or music to reduce your tension. Stress levels may also be reduced by spending time with loved ones or talking to a professional about what you are going through.

Along with following these suggestions, diabetics should be vigilant for any worrisome patterns of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia and take care to treat them right once. In order to better manage your diabetes and safeguard your heart health, you should also speak with your doctor about other actions you should take.

You may have a greater quality of life and experience improved health by choosing a healthy lifestyle.


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