Recipe for Kolhapuri Egg Curry: Special egg curry made with coconut milk and tomato sauce

Kolhapuri Egg Curry is unique in the world of Indian food as a hot and tasty dish that is adored by many. This dish makes a savory sauce that wonderfully pairs with the soft cooked eggs by fusing the richness of coconut and the tanginess of tomatoes. You’re in for a big treat if you like hot foods with a hint of sweetness. Let’s start our culinary journey!

Ingredients Required

Please collect the following items before we begin:

The Curry:

six boiled eggs

1 cup coconut, grated

2 big tomatoes, cut finely

1 big onion, diced finely

2 minced garlic cloves

a grating of ginger, 1 inch long

2 to 3 dried red peppers

One-half teaspoon of turmeric powder

1 tablespoon (or more, to taste) of kolhapuri masala

Salt as desired

oil, 2 tablespoons

For tinning:

one tablespoon of mustard seeds

1/4 cup cumin seeds

A little amount of asafoetida

a curry sauce

Time to Start Cooking!

To make your Kolhapuri egg curry, just follow these easy steps:

Prepare the eggs in Step 1

The eggs should first be cooked until they are hard-boiled. Peel them when finished, then reserve them.

Secondly, toast the coconut.

Grated coconut should be dry-roasted in a skillet until it gets golden brown. To avoid burning, keep stirring. After being roasted, allow it to cool before adding some water to make a fine paste.

Make the masala paste in Step 3

Dried red chilies, ginger, and garlic are added to a skillet that has one tablespoon of oil in it. until they become fragrant, sauté.

Add the chopped onions and cook them until transparent.

Add the chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, and Kolhapuri masala by stirring. Cook until the oil begins to separate and the tomatoes begin to soften.

Blend this mixture into a paste after allowing it to cool.

4. Prepare the curry.

One tablespoon of oil should be heated in a large pan before adding the curry leaves, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and asafoetida. Let them cough.

Sauté for a few minutes after adding the masala paste.

Mix well before adding the toasted coconut paste.

Salt the dish after adding water to the desired consistency. It should boil.

Boil the eggs, then add them gently. Allow the eggs to cook in the curry for 10 to 15 minutes.

5. Serve and have pleasure!

Turn off the heat after the eggs are well covered in the tasty gravy.

Kolhapuri Egg Curry should be served fresh with naan bread or steamed rice. Add fresh coriander leaves as a garnish for an additional flavor boost.

Final Reflections

The Kolhapuri Egg Curry is a real treat for people who love spices and unusual taste combinations. With this recipe, you may delve into Kolhapur’s rich culinary heritage and experience some of the city’s spicy and fragrant cuisine. So get ready to roll up your sleeves, grab your supplies, and treat yourself to a delicious home-cooked lunch!


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