Roommate Syndrome: What Is It in a Relationship? Ways To Get Past It

A phase in love relationships known as “roommate syndrome” occurs when partners start acting more like roommates than close friends. The relationship becomes less intense on an emotional and physical level, more like a platonic cohabitation than a love one. Shared activities may become boring and communication may diminish. It often stems from monotony and a failure to keep up the romantic aspects of the partnership.

According to relationship counselor Jeevika Sharma, “it is a condition where the couples live under one roof, share the same bed and space, but are no longer connected to each other emotionally and physically.”

Identifying and treating this condition entails bringing freshness into shared experiences, encouraging candid communication, and reigniting emotional and physical closeness in order to revive the romantic spark and keep the partnership from devolving into a cozy living arrangement.


1. When a couple’s partners no longer feel comfortable communicating with one another or cease having frequent conversations and offer no daily updates. This often occurs when one party loses interest in sharing or listening to the other.

2. Rather than living together, you share a home more like roommates or flatmates.

3. You no longer feel the need to care for each other and you cease caring for each other.

4. You no longer have an emotional connection and have lost interest in one another. Consequently, neither has empathy for the other.

5. The two partners may or may not have a sexual or physical relationship. Moreover, there is no desire for it.

6. They like to spend their time with different groups of pals. They would much rather spend time with their buddies than with a spouse.

7. When one or both partners could be seeing someone else outside of the partnership. Furthermore, their spouses are also aware of it without any problems.


1. Discuss your expectations for the relationship with your spouse. Discuss with them whether or not they choose to carry on the relationship at that point.

2. Make an effort to talk about your issues and work with others to find a solution. This could assist in reviving the partnership.

3. Make an effort to modify one another. You may improve your connection with your spouse by doing this, even if it could take some time.

4. If one or both of them decides they don’t want to keep dating or stay married, they should split up or part ways.

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