Seven summertime skincare and grooming hacks for contemporary guys

Getting older is a normal part of living. With the right skincare products, treatments, and lifestyle choices, you can promote healthy, natural ageing even if genetics, stress levels, and lifestyle choices may all have an impact on how rapidly a person ages.

Men’s skin may be up to 25% thicker than a woman’s, making them more sensitive to irritation and soreness after shaving.
Dermatologist Dr. Leena Aggarwal of Vibes Healthcare Ltd. offers age-defying skincare tips to help every guy feel and look their best every day.

Shield your skin from the sun.
The primary cause of accelerated ageing is the sun. Sun spots, decreased skin suppleness, uneven pigmentation, skin degeneration, etc. are all brought on by UV radiation. Sun protection is crucial, whether you’re doing errands or spending the day at the beach. Regularly applying sunscreen, ideally with an SPF of 30 or higher, will protect the skin from the damaging effects of UV, UVA, UVB, and infrared radiation. Wearing lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, slacks, caps and eyewear with UV protection is another way to shield your skin.

The required CTM protocol
Starting with a basic regimen of cleansing, toning, and moisturising (CTM) your skin is recommended. It is essential to cleanse the skin twice a day in order to rid the skin’s surface of dirt, debris, pollutants, and oil discharges. Frequent washing also reduces skin blemishes and congested pores. By using a toner, you can keep your skin’s pH stable and get rid of any dust or debris that has stuck to your pores. Even after shaving, using a toner is safe. After washing and toning, the skin often becomes parched. The ideal skin type is one that is soft and supple; therefore, use a moisturiser. It is best to choose products that are mild yet effective and free of harmful substances. Toners, lotions, and other skincare products should include antioxidants like vitamin C and resveratrol, as well as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) like glycolic and lactic acids.

Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and retinol to the rescue
Select products that are high in these compounds, whether they come in the form of serums, washes, or masks. It’s well known that retinol has the strongest real-life proof of anti-aging properties. Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that is best recognised for treating acne, but it also has strong exfoliating properties that make it a suitable choice for reducing indications of ageing. It may also increase the synthesis of collagen. Being oil-soluble, salicylic acid is able to penetrate your oily pores more deeply than other chemical exfoliants. For those with very oily or acne-prone skin, salicylic acid may be a necessary component. Another useful component for minimising age-related symptoms, including wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation, is glycolic acid.

Long-lasting bioremodeling therapy using hyaluronic acid infusion
Natural depletion of collagen may result in loose skin and wrinkles around the neck and face. The newest and greatest collagen-boosting procedure is called bio-remodelling, and it is designed specifically to restore skin’s elasticity, firmness, and youthfulness. It contains the highest concentrations of ultra-pure hyaluronic acid (HA). Bio-remodelling, in contrast to other injectable procedures, uses your body’s natural ability to produce collagen, which spreads easily under the skin to provide broad-ranging rejuvenating results. By tightening and smoothing the skin, bioremodeling techniques help with sagging and ageing tissue. It may be injected into the hands, neck, and other places with excessive skin laxity in addition to the face.

a wholesome diet
Eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables may help prevent damage that causes premature ageing of the skin, according to many studies. Consuming a diet high in antioxidants, fibre, healthy fats, vitamins C, A, B3, E, K, and selenium may help to maintain firm, youthful skin and encourage the creation of collagen. Red bell peppers, papaya, avocado, berries, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, almonds, salmon, and yoghurt are a few items to add. It’s also critical to maintain proper hydration levels in your body by drinking plenty of water.

Limit your use of tobacco and alcohol.
As a diuretic, alcohol causes the skin to become dehydrated and encourages the production of free radicals. The effects of cigarette smoke on your skin include wrinkles, collagen degradation, sagging skin, skin discoloration, and more. Smoking not only causes the skin to age more quickly, but it also constricts the skin, giving it a dry, lifeless, and wrinkled appearance. Skin that looks healthy and young may be achieved by giving up smoking and limiting alcohol use.

Exercise and restful sleep
Exercise not only helps you feel better physically and mentally, but it may also benefit your skin by boosting blood flow, which flushes out free radicals and cellular waste, and nourishing and rejuvenating your skin’s look. A male who gets 8 to 9 hours of sleep also looks healthier, with brighter eyes, smoother skin, and fewer breakouts. Your body has the opportunity to heal and regenerate while you sleep, which has several positive effects on both your appearance and physical health.

When it comes to diagnosing, treating, and teaching about different skin conditions, a dermatologist is invaluable. Making regular doctor’s checkups can guarantee that you stay informed about the most recent and appropriate advancements in skincare.

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