Top score Mahto of Faridabad achieved 99.8% without coaching

The results of the Haryana Board of Secondary Education (HBSE) matriculation test were released today, and Abhishek Mahto, 17, has brought honor to his family and school by placing first in the district. With a remarkable 499 out of 500 possible points, he has achieved an astounding 99.8%.

Other exceptional performers

The district’s other top performers include Abhimanyu, who scored 99.2%, Anish Kumar (99%), and Laxmi Singh (99%).

According to his father, Vijay Mahto, a private firm employee, “Abhishek, a student of Sarvodaya Public School here, dedicated several hours every day to his studies, in addition to thoroughly revising the syllabus regularly.” He was proud of Abhishek’s accomplishment and said that it not only made the family proud but also encouraged other youngsters to strive for academic success and further their education.

When asked about his career goals, Abhishek said that he wanted to work as a civil engineer and that he planned to enroll in Class XI’s non-medical stream to achieve this goal.

Without outside tutoring or specialized instruction, Abhishek received a flawless score of 100% in five disciplines. “I spent at least five hours a day studying on my own at home,” he said.

He said that his parents’ encouragement as well as the help he had from his instructors and the school administrator, Kanta Mehta, were major contributors to his accomplishment of this amazing achievement. According to Devkrishna Tewatia, the director of the school, Abhishek’s accomplishment would inspire other kids and help the institution succeed academically in the future. He gave candies to the pupils who did very well on the tests as a way to celebrate this accomplishment.

Other top performers from the district are Abhimanyu, who received 99.2 percent (496 out of 500), Anish Kumar, who received 99 percent (495 out of 500), and Laxmi Singh, who received 99 percent (495 out of 500).

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