33 female students petition Kerala High Court for “discriminatory” hostel curfews

At least 33 female students from Mar Athanasius College in Ernakulam have filed a lawsuit against the “discriminatory” curfew hours for the school’s women’s dormitories with the Kerala High Court.

The females are furious because guys are not allowed to enter their hostel after 9 p.m., whereas women are allowed to do so until 6.30 p.m.


The girls have now turned to the legal system, citing a 2019 Kerala government ruling saying that the admittance hour for women in college dormitories associated with state institutions has been regulated at 9.30 p.m. because they believed the disparities in the curfew timings were unfair.



After the attorney for the college asked for more time to prepare a response, the court set the matter for hearing on August 18 instead.


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