‘9 Years of Telangana Statehood’ Special Postal Cover Released by Union Minister Kishan Reddy

On Friday, G Kishan Reddy, the Union Minister of Tourism, unveiled a postal cover commemorating “9 Years of Telangana Statehood” and image post cards featuring “Buddhist Heritage in Telangana – Bavapur Kurru.”

Reddy, who spoke at the event, said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s actions and vision helped turn India Post into a Multi Service Agency that offers services to the public “on a value-for-money basis.”

In a formal statement, he stated that the Centre planned to make the Department of Post the “One Stop Solution” for all services related to the schemes, using the postal department’s services as the last mile connectivity, to ensure that the benefits of welfare programmes reached people living in the farthest reaches of the nation.

The announcement quoted the Union Minister as saying that the postal service has evolved from delivering mail to providing different social activities and has become a vital component of the Centre and the welfare initiatives it has initiated.

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