A 63-year-old lady was slain in her Karnataka farmhouse

On Friday night, a 63-year-old lady who was alone herself at her farm home in Girigowdana Doddi was discovered brutally slain within the Kaggalipura police boundaries. Shantamma, the victim, had been living alone in the five-acre farmhouse since her husband passed away from a heart attack around ten months ago. Additionally, it is said that five years ago, her only son perished in a car accident.

According to reports, the victim owns a steel plant in Girinagar. Her personal driver was hired by her nephew, a physician in Mangaluru. Veeresh, the driver, would transport her to various locations, including the steel mill. The lady at the farm home was fatally hacked, and there were apparently reports of an assault on her driver. In order to notify his nephew, who reported the murder to the Kaggalipura police station, he was able to travel to Mangaluru.

“The precise cause of the murder is still unknown. Her Girinagar steel mill has been visited by a police squad. She had just bought a contested two-acre plot of property. The cousin of the previous landowner and them were at odds about something. The relative protested that Shantamma had been used in the deed without his signature. An investigating officer said, “We are also investigating if her murder was caused by this property transaction.

The farmhouse had a complete fence. It is hard for an outsider to enter. It’s also possible that an insider is involved.

The corpse of Shantamma has been sent to Rajarajeswari Hospital.

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