According to the chief minister of Chhattisgarh, development would accelerate under the double-engine government

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai emphasized the importance of the policy of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Aur Sabka Prayas,” saying that the state government is a double-engine and that development would now go at full speed.

The process of providing 18 lakh dwellings to the state’s eligible recipients has been started by the state administration. The sum for this scheme’s recipients was also made public yesterday. During a meeting with all departmental secretaries in his residential office on Monday to review the action plan for drafting the vision document “Amritkal: Chhattisgarh Vision@2047,” he said that Chhattisgarh will play a critical role in realizing Modi’s objectives for a developed India by 2047.

According to Chief Minister Sai, the PM has spoken to the Chhattisgarh government that the Modi administration is concerned about villages, the underprivileged, tribal people, farmers, women, and youth.

The road to Chhattisgarh’s development and well-being is Modi’s Guarantee. One by one, the Chhattisgarh government is keeping every promise it has made to the state’s citizens. He said, “The state government has developed a development strategy that ensures that local resources will benefit local people. The Bastar and Surguja regions are the primary focus of his government.”

According to Chief Minister Sai, on March 10, the state government gave the first payment of Rs 1,000 to over 70 lakh eligible women in the state as part of the Mahtari Vandan Yojana. Under this plan, the state government has paid out a total of Rs 655 crore and would hassle-free provide Rs 1000 to all qualified recipients each month.

Additionally, he said that the cost of acquiring tendupatta would be Rs 5500 for each regular bag. “One more of Modi’s promises has been met by our administration; the state’s 12.50 lakh tendupatta collectors will benefit,” he said.

A vision document titled “Amritkal: Chhattisgarh Vision @2047” is scheduled to be released on the upcoming State Foundation Day on November 1 in order to identify the state’s strengths and develop effective strategies and action plans for expected progress, according to Chief Minister Sai, who is also the Chairman of the State Planning Commission.

In light of this, pertinent departments will guarantee notable advancements in their corresponding fields, therefore serving as key players in bringing Chhattisgarh’s vision of development to life.

The State Planning Commission created the “Navonmesh Portal,” an online digital platform that the Chief Minister launched to gather best practices. The goal of this site is to efficiently compile best practices in one location so that other departments and districts may use them.

“Our government has delivered on one more of Modi’s promises to the people of the state,” said Sai. The Tendupatta Collection Season 2024 will see the implementation of the new tariff.

A grant of Rs 6.33 crore from the Community Investment Fund would be given by the government to 1055 self-help groups comprising 15 cluster-level organizations as part of the State Rural Livelihood Mission. This will allow 11,000 participants to participate in a variety of livelihood activities.

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