Action against the Delhi Assembly’s approval of the Rs 16,683 crore budget is demanded by the BJP

A team from the Delhi BJP unit sent a note to Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena’s office today, requesting action against the governing Aam Aadmi Party’s illegitimate passing of the budget in the Delhi Municipal Corporation.

Tuesday’s budget was approved by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) House after protests from opposition BJP councillors who accused Mayor Shelly Oberoi of corruption. The proposed budget calls for spending Rs 16,683 crore for 2024–25. On Thursday, at the second representation of the Budget, the turmoil persisted.

Along with council members Yogesh Varma and Shikha Ray, the BJP team also included opposition leader Sardar Raja Iqbal Singh in the complaint that was presented to L-G Saxena.

The approval of the budget by the Delhi Assembly, according to Sardar Raja Iqbal Singh, is a flagrant assault on democracy that is taking place inside the Delhi Municipal Corporation. Without debate, Mayor Shaili Oberoi’s motion was approved by the house, granting the authority to increase funding by up to Rs 10 crore and eventually approve a budget of Rs 1500 crore.

It was emphasized by Sardar Raja Iqbal Singh that no municipality in the nation gives its mayor access to a power allocation of 1500 crore rupees. The BJP vehemently opposes the Mayor’s assault on democracy, even if constitutional committees—be they ward, standing, or education—retain authority.

“No individual is given absolute power in a democracy,” said Shikha Ray of the BJP. However, the Mayor today acted as if there was no need to consult with the opposition and the budget was approved without a debate, which we find objectionable.

According to Yogesh Varma, the Delhi Assembly improperly approved a bill that would have allowed the Aam Aadmi Party to pilfer Rs. 1500 crore a year. Regarding these issues, we have filed a complaint with the Lieutenant Governor, and we will shortly take appropriate action.

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