After the government of Haryana clamped down, private school associations developed SOP

In response to a crackdown on private school buses operating without permission or a fitness certificate, private school associations have urged its members to observe government regulations and have announced plans to furnish them with standard operating procedures (SOP).

The school operators said that although they supported the idea of checking buses, the current state of affairs had caused fear and that issuing challans would not put an end to it.

The National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA) president, Kulbhushan Sharma, stated: “The government has been issuing challans, but it is a temporary solution.” In the end, parents of kids would have to shoulder a greater financial burden due to the fines levied on the schools.

“Although the Surakshit School Vahan Policy is in place, we have made the decision to create a SOP and request that members adhere to it in order to prevent future incidents of this kind. In addition to making sure the buses are in top shape and the drivers and conductors are qualified for their positions, the schools will be required to designate specific transport managers, he said.

Additionally, we want the government to make sure private school buses aren’t used for political demonstrations. School buses are not allowed to go outside their designated routes, yet despite this, the schools still face pressure and the vehicles return damaged. To prevent accidents, the government should also build roads free of potholes and wandering animals, according to Sharma.

The head of the Haryana Progressive Schools Conference, Suresh Chander, stated: “It was only fitting that the government would respond this way after such a regrettable event. Although the circumstances have caused fear, we are not opposed to the relocation. The safety of the pupils is another issue that worries the schools. In order to guarantee that the drivers and conductors have a personal connection with the children and operate the buses with additional care, we have chosen to implement a few programs to inspire them.

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