Amidst a severe heat wave, peak electricity consumption reaches a season high of 235 GW on Wednesday

India’s peak electricity consumption reached a season high of 235.06 GW on Wednesday, mostly as a result of the country’s widespread extreme heat waves and overuse of cooling equipment like air conditioners and coolers.

The power ministry’s statistics indicates that on Wednesday, 235.06 GW, the largest supply of the day or the peak power demand satisfied, was recorded. This is the biggest amount of electricity produced this year so far throughout the summer.

In September 2023, the peak electricity consumption reached an all-time high of 243.27 GW.

This summer is predicted to see the record smashed.

The electricity ministry predicted earlier this month that in May 2024, peak power consumption would be 235 GW during the day and 225 GW at night, and in June 2024, it would be 240 GW during the day and 235 GW at night.

In addition, the electricity ministry has predicted that this summer’s peak power consumption might reach 260GW.

According to the statistics, the country’s peak power consumption occurred in April 2024, marking the start of the summer season in different regions, with a total of 224.18GW.

March’s value was 221.82 GW, February’s was 222.16 GW, and January’s was 223.51 GW.

Peak supply occurred in May, reaching 233 GW on May 6 and 233.80 GW on May 21.In May 2023, it was measured to be 221.42 GW.

The highest power supply last week was 229.57 GW on May 18, compared to 226 GW on May 15, 16, and 17. May 4 and May 20 had peak supply of 229.77 GW and 228.71 GW, respectively.

Experts in the field believe that electricity consumption may increase much further and may surpass the record high of 243.27 GW set in September 2023.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast earlier in March that El Nino conditions will last at least until May and that India would likely see a warmer summer with more hot days this year.

It said that most of the nation, with the exception of northeast India, the western Himalayan area, the southwest peninsula, and the west coast, is anticipated to have more heatwave days than usual between March and May.

In many places over Rajasthan; in some places in Gujarat state; in isolated pockets over Haryana, West Uttar Pradesh, and West Madhya Pradesh; in many places in Punjab, Delhi, East Madhya Pradesh, Vidharbha, and Marathwada; in some parts of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and Telangana; in isolated pockets of East Uttar Pradesh, interior Madhya Maharashtra, and North Interior Karnakata, the maximum temperatures were between 44 and 47 degrees Celsius, according to the IMD report released on Thursday.

Heat wave to severe heat wave conditions are very likely in most areas of West Rajasthan; many/some areas of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, West Uttar Pradesh, and East Rajasthan from May 23 to 26; and isolated areas of Northwest Madhya Pradesh and Delhi from May 24 to 26. This information was stated in the IMD’s bulletin.

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