Asian Lions Have Increased in Number Over the Past Few Years: Prime Minister Modi

On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India is pleased to be the home of Asiatic lions and that their population has steadily increased over the last several years in honor of World Lion Day.

“World Lion Day is a time to honor the majestic lions that captivate our hearts with their strength and magnificence,” he said in a tweet. India is proud to be the home of the Asiatic Lions, and in recent years, the country’s lion population has been steadily increasing.

“I applaud everyone striving to preserve lions’ natural habitat. May we keep cherishing and guarding them, guaranteeing their survival for years to come,” he said. The day is devoted to the magnificent animal and is intended to increase public awareness of it. The population of lions has gradually increased throughout the years in India, which has effectively reversed the trend of their decline.

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