At a Madikeri rally, Deputy Chief Minister Shivakumar criticizes Modi and the BJP while highlighting the promises made by the Congress

“Paddy looks nice in a farmland, lotus looks good in a lake, and hands that help look good in administration.” Now that all five promises have been fulfilled, we may stand confidently. Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar said at a sizable Lok Sabha election rally on Sunday at Gandhi Maidan in Madikeri, “It is a fight between truth and lies.”


Chief Minister Siddaramaiah was also present on the dais, although M Lakshmana, the Congress candidate, was not there since his campaign account would have been charged for the event.

Shivakumar began by criticizing JDS state president HD Kumarswamy for what is said to have been a comment made by the Congress administration that women in rural areas are losing their way.

“Deceased Prime Minister Indira Gandhi battled for the independence and freedom of women. But Kumaraswamy has brought shame upon women and the entire race. “I demand an answer regarding the disgrace their alliance leader inflicted upon women from the Prime Minister and Ministers Nirmala Sitharaman and Smriti Irani,” he shouted.

In response to criticism that the BJP had not followed through on its pledge to provide young people work and put Rs 15 lakh into every Indian citizen’s account, he said, “We have fulfilled all guarantees.” The conflict is between the truth and falsehoods.

He asked the electorate to choose a candidate who would be accessible around-the-clock to hear their concerns and represent them in Parliament. In the event that the Congress took control of the federal government, he pledged to waive agricultural debts, provide health insurance up to Rs. 25 lakh, and provide Rs. 1 lakh annually to women.

Siddaramaiah said that the BJP was attempting to amend the Constitution and that the RSS and BJP were supporters of tyranny.

“The BJP and Modi support the policies of Mussolini and Hitler. The ruling MP from Kodagu-Mysuru and numerous other seats did not get a ticket from the BJP because it fears losing this election. Our candidate is a straightforward individual who will represent your interests in Parliament. “One should not become an MP if they can only sit at home and not express their opinions,” he made fun of.

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