At a rally in Rajasthan, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi criticizes the BJP, saying its policies favor the wealthy over the less fortunate

The BJP-led administration at the Center was criticized by Congress politician Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Sunday, who said that its policies were designed to help the wealthy rather than the poor.

Priyanka Gandhi said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi travels abroad and makes deals for his “industrialist friends” while speaking at a Congress rally in the Rajasthani district of Niwai in Tonk, which is in the midst of an election season.

“Modi returns from overseas and claims that India is now respected more. Later, we learn that he negotiated contracts on behalf of his industrialist pals,” the woman stated.

She said that he consistently puts his industrialist buddies’ interests ahead of that of the general population.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is allegedly solely concerned with maintaining its position of power, while the poor and middle class are being ignored, according to the general secretary of the Congress.

She made fun of the prime minister and said, “Perhaps, the god has said what the people of our country are not able to say out of fear — reduce your ego, this country has made you a leader, put the country first, make the people supreme.” She was referring to “waterlogging” at the G20 Summit venue in Delhi.

Rajasthan’s next assembly elections are later this year.

Politicians, according to the head of the Congress, should respect people in the same way that people do when they visit temples.

“It’s critical that the general public and decision-makers comprehend this. People’s desires overtake them when they achieve authority, she added.

The BJP leaders, according to Gandhi, have become so conceited that they have forgotten basic things.

She said that the Adani Group raised the price of cement, which was required to rebuild homes destroyed by rain in Himachal Pradesh, and cut apple prices when farmers went to market to sell their produce. She said that the prime minister ordered this to happen.

Priyanka Gandhi said, “The prime minister, who used to call himself a ‘bhumiputra,’ is going in a convoy costing crores.

She said that while the oil industry has generated enormous profits, gasoline costs and inflation are still quite high.

According to the Congress politician, the Rajasthani government set up relief camps when people were having trouble with inflation.

Why did the nation get into this condition where the state government had to set up camps to help with inflation? Why is gasoline so costly while businesses are making money? You must bring up these issues, she said.

Gandhi also criticized the Modi administration for the Agniveer program for enlisting people in the military.

“In eight years, the BJP administration has taken away your rights. Pensions have been reduced, and Army recruiting opportunities have vanished. Modi has introduced the Agniveer plan and is traveling alone in massive convoys, she said.

Gandhi once emphasized that people must bear the weight of large expenditures.

“Who loses when they make large purchases? She responded, “The money that ought to be spent on your welfare doesn’t coming.

Gandhi emphasized the policies and initiatives of the Ashok Gehlot-led Congress administration in Rajasthan and urged the populace to elect a government that serves their needs rather than one that panders to caste and religious prejudices.

The Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP), according to her, would have brought wealth to the area, and she questioned the prime minister’s silence on the subject.

The Chief Minister Gehlot confronted the BJP for criticizing the Gandhi family, claiming that no member of the family had served as prime minister or a minister in the last 30 years despite giving their all for the sake of the country.

He added in reference to the murders of Rajiv and Indira Gandhi that they had paid the ultimate sacrifice for the nation.

Gehlot said that the environment now prevailing in the nation is perilous. “Democracy is in danger, and the Constitution has been shattered,” he said.

People are worried, according to the chief minister, since the court is being pressured and organizations like the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Enforcement Directorate (ED), and the Income Tax Department are being utilized improperly.

He said that for its efforts, the Rajasthani administration has won praise from all across the nation.

“Rajasthan is a leader in terms of health, education, and other metrics. In terms of financial growth rate, we are second only to Andhra Pradesh. In the previous four years, our GDP has increased to Rs 6 lakh crore, and by the end of current fiscal year, it will reach Rs 15 lakh crore. By 2030, the GDP should reach Rs. 30 lakh crore, according to Gehlot.

He said that the prime minister had misrepresented to Rajasthan his intention to grant the ERCP national status.

Sachin Pilot, a former deputy chief minister of Rajasthan, urged people to decide for themselves whether political figure or philosophy is best for the country.

“Elections in Rajasthan and other states will take place in three months. We must all determine whether philosophy or leader is acting in the national interest and which individuals merely want to get votes, he added.

According to Pilot, people will make the correct choice and support the Congress in Rajasthan and other states regardless of how hard these forces attempt to influence them.

He advised Priyanka Gandhi to go to Rajasthan regularly since she was popular there.

He said that the Congress has established governments wherever Priyanka Gandhi has campaigned, including Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka.

Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, the Congress’ in-charge for Rajasthan, said that the party’s leaders had no fear of the ED, CBI, or IT division.

In 2024, the Congress would be in power nationwide, he said. “I am confident that the Congress will repeat its government in Rajasthan.”

Govind Singh Dotasra, the head of the state’s Congress, said that the Rajasthani administration has made an effort for all social groups.

The Indira Gandhi Rasoi (Rural) scheme’s state-level introduction was also conducted at the time.

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