Atishi claims that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is the contemporary Shravan Kumar, seeking votes as “revenge” for Delhi

NEW DELHI: Hundreds of protesters displayed banners reading “Jail ka jawab, vote se” in the East Delhi constituency’s New Kondli district on Monday.

Atishi, the cabinet minister for Delhi, was among the throng. He anchored the shouts “Jail ka jawab, vote se” and “Vande Mataram” from a tiny platform.
She said that the incarcerated chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, had transformed Delhi.

“I’ve spent my whole life in Delhi, and I recall power outages lasting up to one hour. But it is a bygone era today. There are seldom any power outages nowadays.
“How much is the electricity bill with electricity at all times?” she inquired. Very little. And who carried out this?

The response, she said, was “Arvind Kejriwal’s government.”
She praised the AAP government’s efforts to enhance healthcare and education.

“Shravan Kumar ke baare mein, hum padhtey book mein. Pita ko tirth yatra pe le gaya, jo apne mata. That’s why Arvind Kejriwal is better than Shravan Kumar, even if they are both adhunik samay mein. We once read about Shravan Kumar in books. Kejriwal is the Delhi public’s Shravan Kumar in the present era. She addressed the people, “We have to take the badla for Delhi ka beta with votes.

The 42-year-old owner of a local kirana business, Ajay Kumar, stated: “My family’s quality of life has altered as a result of AAP. I will vote for the government since they have provided my kid and me with free bijli, water, and transportation.

There is a contract option for Naresh Kumar, 62, who also owns a store in the vicinity. Subsidies are given by all parties; this is not new. But the BJP government has accomplished various things for the country. I would vote for the BJP because they have made our borders secure and there is less terrorism now, the man said.

One of the seven Lok Sabha seats in the Delhi National Capital Territory is East Delhi. In 1966, this constituency was established. With a population of over 25 lakh and 40 municipal wards, it has about 16 lakh voters.
Gautam Gambhir of the BJP won this seat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections with 6,96,156 votes. Atishi received 2,19,328 votes, placing her third behind Congress candidate Arvinder Singh Lovely, who received 3,04,934 votes.
This time, the AAP has selected East Delhi’s Kuldeep Kumar, a sitting Kondli MLA, to go off against Harsh Malhotra of the BJP.

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