Attack on Recently Married Woman: Kerala Blue Corner Notice Issued by Interpol Against Husband

According to authorities, on Friday, Interpol issued a Blue Corner notice for a man who is suspected of severely abusing and trying to kill his recently married wife in Kerala’s Kozhikode district. Authorities believe that the suspect may have escaped to Germany, where he works.

The Blue Corner warning has been in place since Thursday, according to a senior police official in Kozhikode city. “A request was sent to Interpol through the Ministry of External Affairs for issuing it,” added the officer.

The international police cooperation organization Interpol uses a Blue Corner alert to ask member nations for further details on an individual’s identity, whereabouts, or actions related to a crime. This notification comes after the police issued a lookout notice for Rahul P. Gopal, the accused spouse.

The accused guy was the subject of accusations made by the bride and her family, which were broadcast on television networks on Tuesday. Barely a week after their May 5 wedding, they claimed he had beaten and tried to murder his wife after they argued over the dowry.

The bride’s in-laws have refuted the claim that they made dowry demands. The pair got into a brawl after an argument because Gopal’s mother-in-law said that her daughter-in-law was not staying at the marital residence. The lady had said, “We never demanded dowry as we do not require it.”

The State Human Rights Commission and the Kerala Women’s Commission (KWC) are also looking into the matter and have asked the investigative agency to provide findings, in addition to the police action. The police are under fire from the KWC for apparently not treating the woman’s allegation properly at first.

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