Case transfer: Kerala High Court postpones government contempt lawsuit

The Director of General Education (DGE) issued the circular canceling the transfers of Higher Secondary School Teachers and ordering the state government to create a new transfer list for 2023–2024. The Kerala High Court on Thursday postponed the contempt proceedings against the DGE that were still pending before the Kerala Administrative Tribunal.


In response to the state government’s plea contesting the KAT judgment quashing the transfer list since it adversely hampered the smooth operation of HSS courses, a division bench gave its ruling.

The government proposed that state-by-state appointments be made for Higher Secondary school teachers, with each state serving as the appointment unit. The home station is regarded as their home district, from which the PSC advises the instructors. If they so want, they may move it once throughout their whole career.

To the greatest extent feasible, teachers should be able to be moved to their home district using the online transfer procedure. A certain amount of weight should be assigned to the transfer to the home district for that reason. The appeal claimed that the Tribunal, however, issued an order voiding the whole set of General Transfer Orders for the academic year 2023–2024 without fully comprehending the goal and object of the transfer rules.

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