CBSE Board Exams 2024: Significant Exam Pattern and Marking System Changes

The strain for the 10th and 12th grade board examinations begins to mount a year in advance, or in classes 9 and 11. In such a setting, the New Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) and new test pattern are being used to try to lessen this strain. In the next years, the way that education is delivered will fundamentally shift. Additionally, preparations for this have begun.

The test format and grading scale for the board exams for grades 10 and 12 have seen significant modifications from the Central Board of Secondary Education, or CBSE. Students will feel less pressure to study because to this, and the coaching culture will also face certain limitations.

The 2024 CBSE board exams will begin on February 15. On the board’s official website,, sample papers for classes 10 and 12 have been made available. Students will learn more about the new test structure and scoring system thanks to this. In the CBSE board exam of 2024, there will be more competency-based questions. With this, students may concentrate on comprehending the content rather than memorization.

In class 10, 50% of the questions will be competency-based, case-based, or other types of questions, 20% will be response-type questions, 20% MCQ questions, and 30% will be constructed response questions (short answer/long answer types of questions).

In class 12, there may be up to 40% competency- or case-based questions, 20% response-type questions, 20% multiple-choice questions, and 40% constructed response questions (short answer/long answer questions).

Students must take the school pre-board test prior to the main exam, according to the new CBSE board sample paper. The board exam that will take place in 2024 will include more ability-based questions. Ability-based questions will make up a total of 50% of class 10 questions and 40% of class 12 questions. The board exam will include objective, short-answer, and long-answer question types as well.In three hours, students must submit responses to 15–35 questions.


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