Congress criticizes CPI(M) in Kerala over the controversy surrounding the allocation of RS tickets

May 15, Thiruvananthapuram Veteran Congress leader Cherian Phillip on Wednesday ridiculed the governing CPI(M)-led LDF for how it handles its allies compared to the United Democratic Front (UDF) amid a dispute within the party over the allotment of Rajya Sabha tickets.

The CPI(M)’s “deplorable” big brother behavior toward its friends, according to Phillip.

“The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Kerala Congress (Mani), two Left-allied parties, are eligible for a Rajya Sabha seat. Phillip said, “They were always treated with respect and given their due share of Rajya Sabha seats when they were with the Congress-led UDF, even forgoing their due and giving seats to their allies.”

Jose K. Mani, a Rajya Sabha member who will shortly retire, is the leader of the KC (Mani) party. Media magnate Shreyams Kumar, who was not renominated to the Upper House a while back, is in charge of the RJD’s state unit.

Phillip’s remarks coincide with the current controversy over the KC(M) and CPI’s stake claims to one of the two Rajya Sabha seats that will shortly become available. With its numbers, the governing front is certain to win two seats.

On July 1st, three seats became available due to member retirement. It is anticipated that the Election Commission will notify you at any moment. The UDF will secure one seat in the Upper House based on the current numbers, while the Left will be able to send two MPs.

One seat will be taken by the CPI(M), while the other will be either for the CPI or the KC(M).

“In the Left, the CPI(M) is never generous,” Phillip said. “The Congress is always thoughtful to their allies, and when the KC(M) and the RJD were with the UDF, they were given seats.”

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