Crop-sowing for Rabi decreases by 17 lakh hectares in 23

As the sowing season is coming to a close, policymakers are concerned about the reduction of nearly 17 lakh hectares (Lha) in the cultivated areas for rabi crops this year. Wheat and pulse planting acreage has also decreased significantly.

The government has extended the import tariff exemption on lentils by one year, until March 2025, in order to address the issues the nation has with pulses. Just 606.86 lakh hectares of rabi crops have been sown overall, which is fewer than the 624.03 lakh hectares that were sown at the same time last year.

Just 308.67 lakh hectares of wheat, the main Rabi crop, have been seeded; this is 1.82 percent less than the 314.42 lakh hectares at the same time last year. The domestic wheat price continues to soar over the minimum support price of Rs 2,175 even after the government implemented several measures during the previous ten months.

Due to unfavorable weather that impacted the nation’s buffer stock, wheat output has been impacted throughout the last two years. Against a goal of 44.4 million metric tons (mmt), the government only acquired 18.7 mmt in 2021–2022. Once again in 2022–2023, it obtained 26.2 mmt compared to the 34.1 mmt goal.

The problems with pulses will persist since, with the exception of Madhya Pradesh, gram planting has significantly decreased in states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Karnataka. Masur Dal’s import duty exemption was extended for an additional year by a gazette notice published by the Ministry of Finance on Friday. The import tariff on Masur Dal was originally set to expire on March 31, 2024, however it has now been extended until March 31, 2025.

Compared to last year’s 14.04 lakh hectares, just 12.67 lakh hectares of Rabi paddy have been sown this year. Nonetheless, the current rabi season has seen a little rise in mustard seeding, reaching 95.23 lakh hectares. Other rabi oilseeds, such linseed, sunflower, safflower, seasamum, and groundnut, grew more slowly than mustard.

declining trend
Just 606.86 lakh hectares (Lha) of rabi crops have been sown overall; this is fewer than the 624.03 Lha that were sown at the same time previous year. 308.67 Lha of wheat have been seeded, which is 1.82% less than the 314.42 Lha planted in the previous year.

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