Defamation Case: Court summons Rahul Gandhi for “objectionable” remarks on Amit Shah

Rahul Gandhi, the head of the Congress, was called by an MP/MLA court in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, on December 16. The issue stems from Gandhi’s use of disparaging statements against Union Home Minister Amit Shah during a conference in Bengaluru in 2018. The BJP District Vice President at the time, Vijay Mishra, filed the complaint against Rahul.

In response to the court summons, Vijay said that at the time of the event, he was the BJP’s vice president. He said, “Rahul had accused Amit Shah in Bengaluru that he is a murderer,” adding that he was very hurt to hear the accusations and responded, “I am a 33-year-old party worker.” Through my attorney, I made a complaint about this, and it persisted for over five years. This is how the decision was made today.”

Rahul Gandhi, a Congress MP, might face a maximum sentence of two years in prison, according to Vijay Mishra’s attorney, if there is enough evidence against him.

Rahul Gandhi allegedly called for Shah’s assassination in a statement. Gandhi made the comment while Shah was the head of the BJP.

Rahul Gandhi, the head of the Congress, spoke during a news conference in Bengaluru. Amit Shah, the current Home Minister, was the target of offensive comments about five years ago. This case was filed at the MP-MLA Court Sultanpur District and Sessions Court on August 4, 2018. Congressman Rahul Gandhi was called by MP MLA Court Sultanpur Judge Yogesh Kumar Yadav on Monday, December 16. Rahul Gandhi made this claim at the 2018 Karnataka elections in Bengaluru, according to news agency ANI, which cited Vijay Mishra’s attorney Santosh Kumar Pandey.

“By using social media and TV news outlets, the then-BJP District Vice President Vijay Mishra filed a complaint after learning of the facts. Three witnesses were asked to provide statements for the complaint. If there is enough evidence to convict Rahul Gandhi, the maximum sentence in this whole case is two years. Rahul Gandhi must show up in court to get his release; if he fails to do so, the court may take further action against him,” the speaker said.

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