Domestic abuse in Pantheerankavu: The woman’s family claims police incompetence

The domestic violence incident that was reported at Pantheerankavu in Kozhikode has reignited conversations about the supposed inefficiency of the local police in responding to these kinds of allegations.


The family of the recently married lady who suffered physical abuse at the hands of her husband, Rahul P, has filed a complaint with Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, claiming that the Pantheerankavu police neglected to handle their case. The accusation has been denied by the police. The family is originally from Ernakulam’s North Paravoor.

When the woman’s father, Haridas, went to the police with a complaint, he said that they did not take the event seriously. After removing the woman’s mangalsutra (holy thread) and setting it on the officer’s table, he said they eventually departed the police station with her declaration that she did not want to go on with the marriage.

Rahul allegedly beat the wife to get the dowry. “He used a cell phone charging cord to strangle me after striking me in the head and forehead. None in the house stopped him, however. Instead, his family urged me to tell my family members a false story about falling in the restroom. “I think Rahul uses drugs too,” she said.

The lady said that despite telling the police everything, her testimony was not properly recorded. She also claimed that several elements were left out of the police report. Furthermore, she claims that after telling the police that Rahul had attempted to strangle her, they disregarded her family’s desire to add non-bailable crimes against him, such attempt to kill.

Rahul is an engineer in Germany, and the woman’s family said there had been no positive inquiry by the police into their complaint. They were also concerned by Rahul’s non-arrest.

The ceremony took place in the Guruvayur temple on May 5th, according to Haridas, who claimed they got the marriage proposal via a matrimonial website. The same day, my daughter was taken to Kozhikode by Rahul’s relatives. On May 9, they arrived in Ernakulam for the wedding celebration, and the following day, they departed for Kozhikode. We attended another event at their home on May 12. We were twenty-six in number. At first, our daughter stayed inside. Her in-laws stated she was changing clothes when they questioned. Upon her eventual release, her face was covered with bruises. Haridas observed, “She was unable to even talk.

The family filed a complaint at the Pantheerankavu police station, but they said that the police did not provide them any substantial reaction. Haridas said that despite drawing attention to the domestic abuse incidents and the deaths of Uthra (2020) and Vismaya (2021) in Kollam, the police showed little concern for them. The family said that the officers yelled at them and warned them not to teach the law to the police when they sought to file a non-bailable case against Rahul.

Sarin A. S., the house officer at Pantheerankavu Station, said that the police did not purposefully hold up their investigation. “We helped the complainant with her medical examinations. We must document the suspect’s statement since we are conducting an investigation into the matter. Based on the test findings and witness accounts, more action will be taken, according to Sarin. He said that action would be taken should the suspect attempt to flee.

In accordance with IPC Sections 324 and 498A, the police have filed a complaint. They indicated they would follow the ACP’s directions and take further action, such as making an arrest.

Up till April 30 of this year, the Kozhikode district had 208 incidents of domestic abuse reported under IPC Section 498A. In 2022, there were 749 instances, compared to 667 in 2023.

Minister promises assistance

Kozhikode: In the domestic abuse case of Pantheerankavu, Minister Veena George said on Tuesday that the government would provide the victim every possible help, including legal aid. She claimed that an investigation into the event has been requested by the head of the women and child department.

Satheesan slays the cops

Opposition Leader V D Satheesan said that the police had failed miserably to investigate the domestic abuse issue. The complainant’s father went to the police to file a complaint, and instead of offering him consolation, Satheesan said that the police made fun of him, saying that this was not the first instance of this kind in Kerala.

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