Farmers were duped and deceived by Congress: Kishan

BJP state head G Kishan Reddy said on Monday that the Farmers’ Declaration issued by the grand old party was a fake, claiming that the Congress had misled and backedstabbed farmers in Telangana with promises.

The Union minister insisted that the Congress administration keep its pledges made in the lead-up to the Assembly elections while speaking at a “Rythu Deeksha” at the BJP state headquarters here.

According to Kishan, Congress made more than 400 promises in the form of declarations, guarantees, and electoral manifestos but was unable to follow through on them. He said that Congress had betrayed farmers and deceived the public with its Six Guarantees.

According to Kishan, Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy promised to carry out the Rs 2 lakh agricultural debt waiver initiative as soon as the Congress took office, but he never followed through on his promise. He said that rather than giving farmers crop loans, banks were pressing them to return their prior debts.

According to Kishan, the Union government spends Rs 26,000 crore annually on Telangana paddy. He questioned, “Why is the state government neglecting farmers when the Center is supporting farmers by procuring paddy?”

Kishan stated that the leaders of the governing party were solely concerned with raising money and transferring it to Delhi, and that the Congress administration had no regard for farmers. He said that the four-month-old Congress government is comparable to the KCR regime.

“In the state, one family rule has disappeared and another has emerged. Another collecting kingdom has emerged in place of the previous one. KCR no longer has a family rule. Family rule by Sonia Gandhi is arrived, according to Kishan.

Tillers begin the postcard-movement

Farmers from the Siddipet Mandal village of Raghavapur wrote to Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Monday, requesting that the promises made during the Assembly elections be immediately fulfilled. Recall that on Sunday, T Harish Rao, a former minister, said that a drive to submit letters to the chief minister will be launched. After that, farmers congregated at the Channakodur mandal headquarters and Raghavapur market yard, where they sent letters to Revanth. They sought the fulfillment of commitments made on MSP for paddy, a 500 rupee bonus, a 15,000 rupee Rythu Bandhu, 12,000 rupees for tenant farmers, and the discharge of a 2 lakh rupee debt.

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