Following a report of “molestation,” the EC dismisses BSF employees from poll duties

Following a charge of molestation against him, the Election Commission on Monday withdrew a BSF employee from poll duty in the Uluberia Lok Sabha seat, according to an official.

According to him, a lady reported molestation at the Uluberia Police Station on Sunday night.

“He is no longer serving in the election. We have the police report ready for us. The election panel official told PTI that “necessary action will be taken as per law if found guilty.”

In the midst of heavy security on Monday, voting for the Lok Sabha’s fifth round began in seven West Bengal parliamentary seats.

In addition to almost 30,000 police officers, the Election Commission has deployed over 60,000 members of the central forces and classified over 57% of the voting places as sensitive.

According to the source, more security troops have been sent for this phase than for any of the previous four in the state.

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