Following an engine failure, a SpiceJet Dharamshala-Delhi aircraft safely diverts to Amritsar

NEW DELHI: On Wednesday, a SpiceJet flight from Dharamshala to Delhi was rerouted to Amritsar due to an engine malfunction on the turboprop Q400 that was used on the trip.

This SpiceJet Q400 aircraft successfully made a one-engine landing at Amritsar on April 10, 2024. Twin-engine aircraft may land with one engine. There was a fluctuation in the oil pressure of engine number two when crossing a flying level of 13,000 feet.

At 14,000 feet, the number two engine was turned down in accordance with procedure. A SpiceJet representative said, “As a precaution, the aircraft diverted and made a safe landing at Amritsar.
For SpiceJet, the Q400 has been a high-maintenance aircraft with recurring technical problems.

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