For tree removal, BBMP brings SOP before the Karnataka High Court

The Karnataka High Court was presented with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) by the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) for police to adhere to when removing trees that pose a risk to public safety or municipal infrastructure.

In order to avoid any hazard, this SOP must be followed even while removing any tree, limb, or fruit that might fall and damage a person or building. The expense would be recouped from the tree owner in accordance with Section 470 of the 1977 Municipal Corporations, Karnataka Act.

Taking notice of the SOP, which outlines the application submission process, Justice Suraj Govindaraj said that the court has not provided an opinion about the SOP’s legitimacy. It was submitted in response to a plea that Dr. V L Nandish of Jayanagar 4th T Block had made, requesting that a tree on the next property be taken down because it was beginning to lean over his home.

Initially, Nandish asked the owner of the next property many times, but nothing came of his demands. He later gave the BBMP officials many representations. He went to the Supreme Court when nothing was done.

The BBMP’s attorney confirmed that the tree had been taken down and said in court that although there isn’t a protocol in place for taking down these kinds of trees, one will be created, per the SOP.

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