Get to know the Vellore group of friends that feed the homeless

Sincere friendships have the potential to be the key to a long life, and if they are directed properly, they may become a powerful force for social change. Consider the circumstances surrounding D Anbarasan, 42, and his five buddies in Vellore. They have been feeding homeless people on the side of the road for the last seven years.

Commemorating the proverb that “all great things have humble beginnings,” this admirable endeavor started with a garbage. Anbarasan, a self-employed marketing worker and freelance animator, was waiting at a roadside shop seven years ago when he had an unexpected meeting that would transform his life. Inside a garbage, an old lady in torn clothing was searching desperately for food. Her body and spirit had been held together for years by the refuse of some.

I was really horrified by what I saw. I hurried back to my house, got everything from my kitchen, and gave it to the lady. I made the decision to feed the impoverished from that day on. However, because I don’t make a lot of money, that’s not saying much. So I invited five of my friends to participate in this endeavor with me. To supply the lunches, we all put in at least Rs 2,400 a day jointly,” Anbarasan explains.

Money was constantly scarce, and the weight of their family was growing. Nothing, however, could stop the buddies from cooking every day and going out on the streets. Over 70 persons are currently served by them every day. The gang won’t always have enough money to buy LPG gas to cook their meals. So what? asks Anbu, one of Anbarasan’s buddies. How would we manage without cooking gas? All we do is gather firewood and get the food ready. We make every effort to feed everyone, no matter what challenges we face. But there have also been a few days when everything spiraled out of hand and we were unable to cook any meals. Moments such as that are very depressing.

Moreover, this organization does not serve everyone who is of sound mind. Mentally sick individuals may hurl food directly back in their faces. However, this does not even slightly lower the team’s enthusiasm. They also provide educational assistance to underprivileged pupils and self-help development programs for the handicapped. Anbarasan says with pride, “In addition, we have assisted a minimum of 45 elders in reuniting with their families.”

Irom Chanu Sharmila had previously given their team an award for their humanitarian activities, and former Puducherry Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi had expressed gratitude.

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